The Offer Cure™ is a power-packed workshop series and digital asset bundle that will dramatically shortcut the path to creating (or reviving) your PERFECT offer!

Product mockup of what's included in Offer Cure

What's Included

Offer Creation Formula (Valued at $197)

​Offer Packaging Formula (Valued at $197)

​Offer Branding Formula (Valued at $197)

​Offer Creation Template (Valued at $97)

​Sales Copy Helper Guide (Valued at $97)

​Offer Logo Templates (Valued at $97)

​Offer Design Guides (Valued at $97)

​Offer Product Shots (Valued at $97)

Offer Cure Bonuses: Offer Idea Bank, Reviving Dead Offers, and Offer Assets Vault
Surprise bonus: Productivity Hacks for Course Creators

Frequently Asked Questions about the Offer Cure™

What kind of business is Offer Cure™ meant for?

Any business that creates info product offers, service-based offers, consulting offers, event offers, even physical product offers!

How is Offer Cure™ different from other courses that are similar?

Offer Cure™ is meant as a shortcut series. The videos, the templates, the swipe files...all of it is designed to help you with the hardest part of the Offer Creation process—figuring out what will be PROFITABLE, plus writing the copy and creating the offer shots. This course fast tracks all of that effort. By the time you’re done, you’ll be amazed at how much faster it is to launch your offer with all this work finished.

I don’t use FG Funnels®, will this work for me?

Yes! The whole course is independent of ANY sales funnel platform. We focus exclusively on coming up with your profitable offer! We do offer FG Funnels® templates with an active FG Funnels® membership to accompany our courses, but the membership is a separate purchase from Offer Cure© Quick Fix.

What’s exactly inside The Offer Cure™?

We have three workshops (all in video format). In addition, we’ve created swipe files, guides, templates, and offer shot files to help you build your offer quickly. It's only what you need to get it done fast—none of the fluff.

Does The Offer Cure™ teach you how to create a course?

We focus this workshop series on creating the course assets you’ll need to sell effectively: mainly, the irresistibility factor of the offer itself, the name, the key results, the sales copy, and the offer shot assets. We recognize that when you have that work done actually creating the content is WORLDS easier and makes it more likely that you will create something that people want to buy. One of the bonuses inside the course specifically deals with productivity hacks to getting the content actually done!

Is the content available immediately?

Yes! All of the content is inside Teachable, ready to go! You will get Instant Access as soon as you complete your purchase.

Need more information?

Check out the Offer Cure Sales Page